
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Cha Siu Bao - The Daring Baker Challenge July 2013

Well, this blog is supposed to be the boys' project for the summer but J lost interest fast. (Or he'd ask me to post for him!) So when I joined The Daring Kitchen last month I decided to use this blog. Here's my first completed challenge.

For July 2013 Daring Bakers challenge, we are allowed to choose from any of the past challenges. At J's urging, I made Cha Siu Bao, Chinese Barbeque Pork buns, a challenge  from December 2011. He was so persuasive I don't even remember what my original choice was. 

The buns are one of J's favorite at dim sum. He can eat a whole serving of 3 buns if we let him. Growing boys are expensive to raise. 

Anyway, they came out just OK. Next time I think I'll adjust the oven temperature down or reduce the baking time by 2-3 minutes or let the dough rise a little longer. Hindsight, hindsight ....

I skipped the red food coloring for the filling, made a red bean paste filling for myself, and used the leftover pork filling for chow-mien. Overall, time well spent!

Cha Sui Bao Barbeque Pork Bun
Cha Sui Bao Barbeque Pork Bun
Cha Sui Barbeque Pork

Monday, July 22, 2013

Portuguese Sweet Bread

This reminds me of "Roti Sobek" from "Roti Go". One of my childhood favorite.
 Recipe from King Arthur's Website.

If you are reading this: Ingat waktu Jun2 cacar air, Mam/Pap pulang dari toko suka beli-in roti sobek coklat.

Portuguese Sweet Bread

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Pancake and Science Day

Yesterday started with a stack of pancakes for breakfast. Then PB and Mama checked out some science experiments from for our afternoon no-screen activity.

We decided to pick the not-too-messy physics stuff today. The chemistry stuff - lava and volcanoes - will have to wait. 

1. The Incredible Hoop Glider, which glided, and still does today, so very gracefully.
2. The Lincoln High Dive (I knew that Gerber jar would be useful one day), which caused euphoria every time the penny dropped into the jar.
3. The Straw Duck Call , which was totally fun, but annoying after non-stop calling (not pictured for that very reason. Yes, there's a vindictive side of me.)

Pancake, Hoop Glider and Lincoln Dive

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day Dinner

Happy 4th of July!

What could be more American than a burger and red, white and blue dessert (Berry Shortcakes courtesy Annie's Eats)? 

Homemade burger and berry shortcake

I might have a chance of making PB a vegetarian yet. He asked for a black bean patty for our next burger, but he looooves the buns.

Everybody's favorite part of dessert? The strawberry topping. The boys were scooping it straight out of the bowl. 

Update: J reviewed this post and asked me to mention that the whipped cream was as popular straight-off-the-bowl as the strawberries.